Cross-chain swaps

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to use WOOFi cross-chain swaps, visit

WOOFi is the first dex that enabled one-click cross chain swaps by integrating LayerZero's cross chain messaging and Stargate's bridge liquidity.

WOOFi's cross swap router contracts wrap multiple actions of the cross chain swap into one, so the whole process is abstracted away from the users.

A cross chain swap transaction may include all or some of the following steps:

  1. Swap asset A in the user's wallet to asset B in WOOFi on the source chain

  2. Bridge asset B to asset C on the destination chain via Stargate (asset B and asset C are of the same value)

  3. Swap asset C to asset D in WOOFi on the destination chain and send to the wallet instructed by the user

Users only need to initiate and sign one transaction on the source chain (the chain that the input token is on), and the output token will be delivered to the address designated by the user automatically. Users only need to pay the gas fee on the source chain once which will cover the gas fee of the operations on the destination chain.

When querying the cross chain swap, users will be prompted with the optimal route with the most amount of output tokens. It will utilizes various bridging routes in Stargate including stablecoins, ETH and WOO. Additional routes through OFT or CCTP will be supported in the future too.

Last updated