Audits and bounties

Bug Bounty


WOOFi earn and stake - August 2024 by Zellic

Zellic conducted an audit on WOOFi's supercharger and staking contracts, and this is the 2nd audit on these contracts. Results are published here, the audit report can also be found attached below.

WOOFi Swap fix - May 2024 by Zellic

Zellic conducted an audit on WOOFi's sPMM, oracle and router contracts to validate the fix that was implemented after the incident. Results are published here, the audit report can also be found attached below.

WOOFi Swap fix - April 2024 by Sherlock

Sherlock was engaged to conduct a contest to audit WOOFi's sPMM, oracle and router contracts to validate the fix that was implemented after the incident. Results are published here, the audit report can also be found attached below.

WOOFi Staking v2 - May 2023

Certik conducted an audit on the WOOFi's staking v2 smart contracts, the full audit report is published here by the auditor, attachment can be found below.

WOOFi Swap v2 - October 2022

Certik conducted an audit on the WOOFi's swap and oracle smart contracts, the full audit report is published here by the auditor, attachment can be found below.

WOOFi Earn Supercharger Vault - July & August 2022

Certik conducted an audit on the WOOFi Earn's Supercharger vault smart contracts, the full audit report is published here by the auditor, attachment can be found below.

Peckshield was engaged as the second firm to conduct an audit on the WOOFi Earn's Supercharger vault smart contracts, the full audit report is published here by the auditor, attachment can be found below.

WOOFi Earn - February 2022

Certik conducted an audit on the WOOFi earn contracts, the full audit report is published here by the auditor, attachment can be found below.

WOOFi Stake - December 2021

Certik conducted an audit on the WOOFi staking contracts, the full audit report is published here by the auditor, attachment can be found below.

WOOFi Swap (Alpha) - October 2021


CertiK leads blockchain security by pioneering the use of cutting-edge Formal Verification technology on smart contracts and blockchains. Unlike traditional security audits, Formal Verification mathematically proves program correctness and hacker-resistance.

The full audit report is published here by the auditor, attachment can also be found below.


Verilog is a smart contract auditing firm founded by blockchain professors, researchers, and alumni of the University of British Columbia at Vancouver, BC, Canada. All the co-founders had been working for 5+ years in Layer 1/Layer 2 and DeFi in the industry before establishing Verilog and are still leading the blockchain, DeFi, cyber security research supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Public Safety Canada. The people in Verilog are committed to delivering the high-quality auditing report and professional security suggestions to DeFi project teams and their investors.

The full audit report is published here by the auditor.

Last updated